Installation Guides
How To: Install Your CLIC Classic & Leather Sling
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How To: Install Your CLIC Pop & Sling
Learn how to easily install your CLIC Case & Sling

How To: Remove Your AirPods Case
Instructions on how to safely remove your AirPods case

How To: Install Your Shield Screen Protector
Instructions on how to install your Shield Screen Protector

What Connector Type Do I Need?
The confusion around which cable you need for different devices isn’t anything new. With all of us now using a variety of devices throughout the day, it can be a little frustrating to know what cha...

How To: Install Your Leather AirPods Case
Instructions on how to install your Leather AirPods Case

How To: Install Your Curve Case for AirPods
Instructions on how to install your Curve Case for AirPods